!Empowering Success Together

The Passionista Society

What is a Passionista? Great question!

A Passionista is a woman who pursues her passion(s) with a thirst for continuous growth and a desire to serve others.

She is someone who is driven by her passions and is not afraid to follow her dreams.

She is also someone who is committed to making a difference in the world.

As a Passionista it’s never too late to discover your Joy!

Let’s break it down for you:

Pursue a different career path?

You’ve been feeling a little lost and uninspired about your current job – it’s not fulfilling and you aren’t passionate about the work you are doing! You are thinking about leaving your current role in order to pursue a different career path that gives you more of a work-life balance and is more aligned with your interests and skills. That’s why you need to be in a society of women where you can receive the kind of support you need at this time of your life!

Start your own business?

You have a brilliant business idea that you are passionate about and already have one foot out of your job in order to focus on launching your own venture full time. You would love to be surrounded by women just like you who are also stepping out of their 9-5 and dipping their toes into a new business venture! Together you can motivate and inspire each other as well as receiving expert advice and the training you need to succeed!

Support and Advice for deciding your next move?

You are stressed and burned out and need quality time to recharge and rethink your next move. You realise that having access to other women who feel just like you or gaining access to experts in a group setting would be a valuable asset to your own success so that you can feel confident about the next chapter of your life!

And if that’s not enough to convince you, here’s some clear statistics about women’s dreams and aspirations: 

The top three challenges that women face in achieving their dreams are:

Lack of time (63%)
Lack of self-confidence (59%)
Lack of support (53%)

If you answered a HELL YES and are ready to fully embrace your passion for life in a society of other Passionistas…

There’s a beautiful FREE Workbook winging its way to you as soon as you sign up HERE

Start Your Passion Journey with me today…🙂

See you on the inside, Beth x

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